Emmanuel Catholic College Curriculum Handbook
Year 8

Creative Writing

Creative Writing enables students to extend and experiment with their writing skills. This writing
course draws on the imagination of our students and encourages them to experiment with a
range of forms, genres and ideas. Published texts are used as examples and we encourage
students to emulate, extend and experiment with these texts. A focus of the course is on prose
fiction but students can also work with poetry, drama or creative non-fiction with the assistance
of their teacher. Creative writing is an elective for Year 8 and is an integral part of English in Years
9 and 10 as well as General and ATAR English and Literature.

Students will write in a range of forms throughout the course and there will be a focus upon
planning, drafting and editing. Students will be assessed upon a portfolio of completed work as
well as a writer’s journal.

Contact Information
Miss Jessica Carlucci
Head of English