Emmanuel Catholic College Curriculum Handbook
Year 11 & 12


Chemistry aims to equip students with the knowledge, understanding and opportunity to investigate properties and reactions of materials. Students develop an understanding of the theories and models used to describe, explain and make predictions about chemical systems, structures and properties. It also enables students to relate chemistry to other sciences including biology, geology, medicine, molecular biology and agriculture and prepares them for future study in the sciences. 

Year 11

Unit 1: Chemical fundamentals: structure, properties and reaction

In this unit, students relate matter and energy in chemical reactions as they consider the breaking and reforming of bonds as new substances are produced. Students can use materials that they encounter in their lives as a context for investigating the relationships between structure and properties. 

Unit 2: Molecular interactions and reactions

Students develop their understanding of the physical and chemical properties of materials. They learn how rates of reaction can be measured and altered to meet particular needs, and use models of energy transfer and the structure of matter to explain and predict changes to rates of reaction. 

Year 12

Unit 3: Equilibrium, acids and bases, and redox reactions

In this unit, students investigate acid- base equilibrium systems and their applications. They use contemporary models to explain the nature of acids and bases, and their properties and uses. This understanding enables further exploration of the varying strengths of acids and bases. Students investigate the principles of oxidation and reduction reactions and the production of electricity from electrochemical cells. 

Unit 4: Organic chemistry and chemical synthesis. 

This unit focuses on organic chemistry and the processes of chemical synthesis by which useful substances are produced for the benefit of society. Students investigate the relationship between the structure, properties and chemical reactions of different organic functional groups and the vast diversity of organic compounds. 

This subject should be considered for potential careers in Forensic Science, Environmental Science, Engineering, Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Sports Science, Winemaking, Agriculture and Food Technology. 

SCSA Links
Chemistry-Y11-Syllabus-AC-ATARGD.pdf (scsa.wa.edu.au) 
Microsoft Word – Chemistry-Y12-Syllabus-AC-ATAR-GD (2021).DOCX (scsa.wa.edu.au) 

Science State Grade B
Mathematics State Grade B

General Chemistry

Welcome to the exciting world of WA General Chemistry Unit 1 and Unit 2. 

This course is designed to introduce students to the fundamental principles of chemistry and their real-life applications. Through a guided inquiry approach, they will develop problem-solving skills that will be useful in future studies and career. What makes these courses truly exciting is their real-life applications. From understanding the properties of materials to developing new drugs and materials, the principles of chemistry are essential in many fields. By mastering the concepts taught in these courses, students will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to tackle real-world problems and make a positive impact on society.

Unit 1

In this unit students will learn about the properties of matter, atomic structure, and chemical bonding. They will explore the behaviour of matter and energy, and how they interact with each other. Students will also learn about the different types of chemical reactions and how to balance chemical equations.

Unit 2

In this unit students will delve deeper into the study of chemical reactions and their applications. They will learn about the different types of solutions, acids and bases, and chemical equilibrium. They will also explore the principles of thermodynamics and kinetics, and how they relate to chemical reactions.

Join us on this exciting journey of discovery and exploration. With engaging activities and comprehensive content review, students will gain a deep understanding of the principles of chemistry and their applications.

Pathways Beyond School
This subject should be considered for potential careers in Forensic Science, Plumbing, Electrical Trades and Engineering, Sports Science, Beauty Therapy and Food Technologies.

SCSA Links
Chemistry-Y11-Syllabus-GeneralGD.pdf (scsa.wa.edu.au)
Chemistry-Y12-Syllabus-General-GDEST.pdf (scsa.wa.edu.au)

Contact Information
Ms Kerry Randall
Head of Science