Emmanuel Catholic College Curriculum Handbook
Year 11 & 12


Students will explore biological concepts relating to microscopic organisms through the ecosystems and the way biological systems interact and are interrelated. Fieldwork, laboratory activities, investigations and other research techniques will provide evidence-based information to analyse and problem solve biological questions. 

Year 11

Unit 1: Ecosystems and biodiversity

Students will analyse the biotic and abiotic components of ecosystems and dynamic processes including the movement of energy and matter, the interactions between species and the effects of interactions on population dynamics. They will use classification systems to compare organisms and examine evolutionary relationships. Biodiversity will be explored and the range of conservation strategies from being undertaken to conserve and sustain biodiversity within ecosystems. 

Unit 2: From single cells to multicellular organisms

In the unit, students will explore the structure and function of organisms using a range of hands laboratory activities including microscopy, data loggers and laboratory experimentation. They will study cells and the exchange of materials between cells and their external environment, the processes of photosynthesis and respiration and role of enzymes in controlling biochemical systems. The specialisation of systems in multicellular organisms including plants and animals will be studied including digestive, transport and gas exchange systems and comparisons made between species. 

Year 12

Unit 3: Continuity of species

This unit will focus on mechanisms of inheritance and the transmission of genetic material from one generation to another. Examination of the structural properties of the DNA molecule and the factors influencing the way the genetic code is expressed in organisms. Recombinant DNA and DNA identification technologies will be studied and their application to agriculture and conservation strategies. Students will study the theory of evolution by natural selection and formation of species and the evidence put forward to support the theory of evolution. 

Unit 4: Surviving in a changing environment

Examination of the need for organisms to survive to their internal and external environments. Students study the principles of homeostasis and the mechanisms organisms use to respond to changes in the environment such as temperature, water and salt concentrations. The cause, spread and control of infectious diseases is examined. 

This subject should be considered for potential careers in Medicine, Veterinary, Food, Marine Sciences, Agriculture, Biotechnology, Environmental Rehabilitation, Biosecurity, Quarantine, Conservation and Eco-tourism. 

SCSA links
Biology-Y11-Syllabus-AC-ATARGD.pdf (scsa.wa.edu.au) 
Biology-Y12-Syllabus-AC-ATAR.DOCX (scsa.wa.edu.au) 

Science State Grade C 

Contact Information
Ms Kerry Randall
Head of Science