Emmanuel Catholic College Curriculum Handbook
Year 11 & 12

Human Biological Science


The Human Biology ATAR course gives students a chance to explore what it is to be human – how the human body works, the origins of human variation, inheritance in humans, the evolution of the human species and population genetics. Through their investigations, students research new discoveries that increase our understanding of human dysfunction, treatments and preventative measures. 

Practical tasks are an integral part of this course and develop a range of laboratory skills; for example, biotechnology techniques. Students learn to evaluate risks and benefits to make informed decisions about lifestyle and health topics, such as diet, alternative medical treatments, use of chemical substances and the manipulation of fertility. 

Year 11

Unit 1: The Functioning Human Body

This unit looks at how human structure and function supports cellular metabolism and how lifestyle choices affect body functioning. In particular, the course focuses on various systems of the body: respiratory, cardiovascular, digestive, excretory and the musculoskeletal systems. Using knowledge of cell structure, function and metabolic activities, students will learn how each system is interdependent all allows the human body to function efficiently. 

Unit 2: Reproduction and Inheritance

This unit provides opportunities for students to explore the transmission of genetic material to the next generation, the role of males and females in reproduction and how interactions between genetics and the environment influence early development. They will learn how processes for gamete production and zygote formation contribute to human diversity and produce new genetic combinations. Students will study the application of technological advances, the impact of medical knowledge and the issues associated with human reproduction. 

Year 12

Unit 3: Homeostasis and Disease

This unit explores the nervous and endocrine systems, the mechanisms that help the systems of the body to function within the optimal range and the body’s immune responses to invading pathogens. Students will study the complex interactions between the nervous system, the endocrine system and behavioural mechanisms in maintaining the internal environment. Students will explore the non-specific defences of the body that can be aided by the use of antibiotics and antiviral drugs and specific resistance produce long-lasting immunity. They will study how vaccinations can result in immunity to infections. 

Unit 4: Human Variation and Evolution

In this unit, students will explore the variations that exist between humans in their changing environment and evolutionary trends in human ancestors. They will study the effect of changing environments on genetic variation and gene pools, evolutionary mechanisms such as natural selection, migration and random events. Students will study how natural selection and isolation may lead to the evolution of new species and discuss the evidence for these changes. 

This subject should be considered for potential careers in Education, Medical and Paramedical fields, Food and Hospitality, Childcare, Sport and Social Work. 

SCSA Links
Human-Biology-Y11-Syllabus-ATAR_GD.pdf (scsa.wa.edu.au) 
Human-Biology-Y12-Syllabus-ATAR.DOCX (scsa.wa.edu.au) 

Science State Grade C

In the Human Biology General course, students learn about themselves, relating the structure of the different body systems to their function and understanding the interdependence of these systems in maintaining life. Reproduction, growth and development of the unborn baby are studied to develop an understanding of the effects of lifestyle choices. Students will engage in activities exploring the coordination of the musculoskeletal, nervous and endocrine systems. They explore the various methods of transmission of diseases and the responses of the human immune system. Students research new discoveries that help increase our understanding of the causes and spread of disease in a modern world. 

Year 11

Unit 1: Healthy Body 

This unit explores how the systems of the human body are interrelated to help sustain functioning to maintain a healthy body. Cells, transport, respiratory, circulatory, digestive and urinary systems are studied along with looking at how our lifestyle choices can affect these systems. 

Unit 2: Reproduction 

This unit explores the role that males and females have in reproduction, including contraception, and the issues of sexually transmitted infections. Students learn about the reproductive systems of males and females, the healthy development of embryo’s and reproductive technologies. 

Year 12

Unit 3: Coordination 

This unit explores bones, muscles, nerves and hormones and how they maintain the body to act in a coordinated matter. Conditions affecting these systems, such as sporting injuries, hearing and vision defects will also be studied. 

Unit 4: Infectious Disease 

This unit explores the causes and spread of disease and how humans respond to invading pathogens. Prevention of transmission, improvements in technology and the use of medications to control the spread of disease is also looked at. 

This subject should be considered for potential careers in Education, Paramedical, Food and Hospitality, Childcare, Sport, Health and Social Work. 

SCSA Links
Human-Biology-Y11-Syllabus-General-2020-GD.DOCX (scsa.wa.edu.au) 
Human-Biology-Y12-Syllabus-General-2020-GD-EST.DOCX (scsa.wa.edu.au) 


Contact Information
Ms Kerry Randall
Head of Science