Emmanuel Catholic College Curriculum Handbook
Year 11 & 12

Integrated Science

The Integrated Science course enables students to investigate science issues, in the context of the world around them. It incorporates aspects of biology, chemistry, geology and physics and can also include less traditional areas such as forensic science and biotechnology. Integrated science encourages students to be questioning, reflective and critical thinkers about scientific issues. 

Year 11

Unit 1: Biological and Earth Systems

This unit looks at the processes involved in the functioning of systems from the macro level to systems at the organism, cellular and molecular level. Students recognise the interdependence of these systems and investigate the effect of human activity on systems. 

Unit 2: Physical and Chemical Systems

This unit looks at the processes involved in the transformations and redistributions of matter and energy in biology, chemical and physical systems, from the atomic level to the macro level. Students investigate the properties of elements, compounds and mixtures and how these substances interact in chemical reactions to produce new substances. The concepts of forces, energy and motion are also explored. 

Year 12

Unit 3: Biological and Earth Systems

This unit looks at ideas relating to the processes involved in the movement of energy and matter in ecosystems. Students will investigate a number of diverse ecosystems, exploring the range of living and non-living components, to understand the dynamics, diversity and interrelationships of these systems. 

Unit 4: Physical and Chemical Systems

This unit provides students with the opportunity to conduct scientific investigations that will increase their understanding of important scientific concepts and processes. Students will investigate how chemical reactions occur, differences between mixtures and solutions, the effect of forces on motion and energy transformations. 

This subject should be considered for potential careers in Marine, Forensics, Environment and Conservation. 

SCSA Links
Integrated-Science-Y11-Syllabus-General-2020-GD.DOCX (scsa.wa.edu.au) 
Integrated-Science-Y12-Syllabus-General-2020-GD-EST.DOCX (scsa.wa.edu.au) 


Contact Information
Ms Kerry Randall
Head of Science